
Deriving from the Latin root meaning crack or fissure, the Old English meaning as edge or border, as well the term in the physical sciences to define the opening and folding of two areas of flesh.  A Rima, in this sense, is an interstitial space that forms the point of enfolding between intersecting concepts. A rima can serve to demarcate and define concepts, much like a boundary, while also functioning as a container or repository for emerging and hybrid conceptual currents. Rimae should be considered relationally with two or more concepts or conceptual spheres, while also occupying space in a dimensionally proportionate way to their conceptual counterparts.   This dimensional proportionality is key to any rima’s ability to contain and enfold the intersecting parts of any group of concepts, qualifying it as a complete space rather than as a purely complementary, or parasitic, entity such as a topological boundary. In terms of extensional overlap, a rima would constitute an ovate space formed in the overlap of at least two objects. As a conceptual tool, a rima can be conceived of as a foundation for exploring connections between ideas and theories, potentially serving as an incubator space for cultivating hybrid concepts. This can be actualized as a test site for experimenting with conceptual connections and overlap, both through discourse and diagrammatic means.  A rima can also manifest in the integration of two concepts, creating an extensional overlap in the process. For example, the concepts of the background and indexicality in the philosophy of language.  The background is pervasive and occupies no particular space, existing always in a state of latency rather than visible presence.  A signifier that acts indexically, on the other hand, generally points toward something specific that is graspable or visible, that is, in a state of presence.  On a conceptual level, the overlap between indexicality and background could emerge when a sign points toward the background, indicating a threshold of latency and presence, or an opening that brings forth elements of the background from latency to presence.   For example, if one were consider a functional and familiar door knob that one uses to access a passage regularly. The door knob, as an entity generally encountered without any requirement of concentration, or even acknowledgement of, exists purely in the background as a generic function of doors in one’s familiar environment.  If the door knob ceases to work properly, unexpectedly disrupting the function of the door in question, it subsequently becomes an object of directed awareness as something that has lost its place as a background object: the object presents itself as something no longer familiar and readily accessible. This dysfunctional state of the of the object then presents itself as a kind of deictic shifter, or index, that indicates the background.  This shift from latency to presence, occurring when the door knob ceases to work in its usual manner, can be illustrative of an actual threshold between latency and presence, with the broken door knob, being indicative of the opposite state that it once resided. The rima space between the concepts indexicality and background, as they overlap in the process of interaction, could be conceptualized as the site of latency indication, by virtue of presence, and as a phenomenological and/or semantic interstice.  When such a rima space is utilized as a primary project site for working with concepts, especially in more complex cases of overlap, a rima can facilitate a socio-cultural confluence where concepts can compete, collaborate and/or merge to generate new ideas and indicate or define boundaries and overlap.